First of all, the fewest possible straight lines in each case are twenty-two, and in order that no cell may be visited twice it is absolutely necessary that each should pass into one cell and then immediately "visit" the one from which he started, afterwards proceeding by way of the second available cell. In the following diagram the man's route is indicated by the unbroken lines, and the lion's by the dotted lines. It will be found, if the two routes are followed cell by cell with two pencil points, that the lion and the man never meet. But there was one little point that ought not to be overlooked—"they occasionally got glimpses of one another." Now, if we take one route for the man and merely reverse it for the lion, we invariably find that, going at the same speed, they never get a glimpse of one another. But in our diagram it will be found that the man and the lion are in the cells marked A at the same moment, and may see one another through the open doorways; while the same happens when they are in the two cells marked B, the upper letters indicating the man and the lower the lion. In the first case the lion goes straight for the man, while the man appears to attempt to get in the rear of the lion; in the second case it looks suspiciously like running away from one another!
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