Play as follows, using the notation indicated by the numbered squares in Diagram A:—

White. Black.
1. 18—15 1. 3—6
2. 17—8 2. 4—13
3. 19—14 3. 2—7
4. 15—5 4. 6—16
5. 8—3 5. 13-18
6. 14—9 6. 7—12
7. 5—10 7. 16-11
8. 9—19 8. 12—2
9. 10—4 9. 11-17
10. 20—10 10. 1—11
11. 3—9 11. 18—12
12. 10—13 12. 11—8
13. 19—16 13. 2—5
14. 16—1 14. 5—20
15. 9—6 15. 12—15
16. 13-7 16. 8—14
17. 6—3 17. 15-18
18. 7—2 18. 14—19

Diagram B shows the position after the ninth move. Bishops at 1 and 20 have not yet moved, but 2 and 19 have sallied forth and returned. In the end, 1 and 19, 2 and 20, 3 and 17, and 4 and 18 will have exchanged places. Note the position after the thirteenth move.


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