Play as follows:—

White. Black.
1. P to K 4th 1. Any move
2. Q to Kt 4th 2. Any move except on KB file (a)
3. Q to Kt 7th 3. K moves to royal row
4. B to Kt 5th 4. Any move
5. Mate in two moves
If 3. K other than to royal row
4. P to Q 4th 4. Any move
5. Mate in two moves
(a) If 2. Any move on KB file
3. Q to Q 7th 3. K moves to royal row
4. P to Q Kt 3rd 4. Any move
5. Mate in two moves
If 3. K other than to royal row
4. P to Q 4th 4. Any move
5. Mate in two moves

Of course, by "royal row" is meant the row on which the king originally stands at the beginning of a game. Though, if Black plays badly, he may, in certain positions, be mated in fewer moves, the above provides for every variation he can possibly bring about.


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