No matter whether he plays first or second, the player A, who starts the game at 55, must win. Assuming that B adopts the very best lines of play in order to prolong as much as possible his existence, A, if he has first move, can always on his 12th move capture B; and if he has the second move, A can always on his 14th move make the capture. His point is always to get diagonally in line with his opponent, and by going to 33, if he has first move, he prevents B getting diagonally in line with himself. Here are two good games. The number in front of the hyphen is always A's move; that after the hyphen is B's:—
33-8, 32-15, 31-22, 30-21, 29-14, 22-7, 15-6, 14-2, 7-3, 6-4, 11-, and A must capture on his next (12th) move, -13, 54-20, 53-27, 52-34, 51-41, 50-34, 42-27, 35-20, 28-13, 21-6, 14-2, 7-3, 6-4, 11-, and A must capture on his next (14th) move.
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